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DataFlair Web Services is a leading provider of online training in niche technologies like Big data-Hadoop, Spark and Scala, HBase, Kafka, Storm, etc. We aim to reach the mass through our unique pedagogy model for Self-paced learning and Instructor-led learning that includes personalized guidance, lifetime course access, 24 x 7 support, live project, resume and interview preparation and ready to work level learning. We aim to provide real-time technical experience to learners through our expert instructors.

Android GridLayout - Arrange your view in grid form - DataFlair

Learn the use of Android GridLayout to arrange your view in the grid form. Also, look at the different specification and attributes of the Android Grid layout.

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/android-gridlayout

Java Garbage Collection - 'Coz there's no space for unwanted stuff in Java - TechVidvan

Learn about Java Garbage Collection with its working, advantages & disadvantages, and explore algorithms & types of Garbage Collector with its pros and cons.

Source: http://techvidvan.com/tutorials/java-garbage-collection

TensorBoard Tutorial: TensorFlow Visualization Tool - DataFlair

TensorBoard Tutorial, what is Tensorboard,set up,serialization,Launching,Dashboards: Scalar,Histogram,distribution,image,audio,graph,text,projection

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/tensorboard-tutorial

TensorFlow API Documentation | Use Of TensorFlow API - DataFlai

TensorFlow API,API documentation,C API,C++ API for TensorFlow,Python API in TensorFlow,TensorFlow API Uses, ,APIs inside & outside of TensorFlow Project

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/tensorflow-api

Setup - TensorFlow PDE (Partial Differentiation Equation) - DataFlair

TensorFlow PDE,PDE set up &Convenience Functions,Defining Partial Differential Equation,Simulation in PDE,solve differential equation by machine learning

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/tensorflow-pde

TensorFlow Debugging - Commands and Training - DataFlair

TensorFlow Debugging tutorial,Model Training,Offline Debugging of Remotely-Running Sessions, Debugging Keras Models with TFDBG, Wrapping Sessions with tfdbg

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/tensorflow-debugging

Embedding in TensorFlow | TensorBoard Embedding Projector - DataFlair

Embedding in TensorFlow Tutorial:embedding projector in Tensorflow,Tensorboard embedding example,TensorFlow embedding lookup,embedding visualization example

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/embedding-in-tensorflow

Distributed TensorFlow | TensorFlow Clustering - DataFlair

Distributed tensorflow,tensorflow clustreing,Define Cluster,Training:Ingraph,between graph replication,Asynchronous and synchronous Training,Training steps

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/distributed-tensorflow

TensorFlow Linear Model Using Kernel Methods - DataFlair

TensorFlow Linear Model, Kernels Methods & Classifier, Preparing MNIST Dataset,logistic regression,Kernel Standard Deviation,regression formula TensorFlow

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/tensorflow-linear-model

How to Install TensorFlow Quickly and Easily - DataFlair

Install Tensorflow tutorial: Tensorflow installation on Windows, Ubuntu and macOS, install TensorFlow using Anaconda on Ubuntu, PIP, Docker&Virtual environment

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/install-tensorflow

ListView in Android - Time to convert your data into list form

Use Listview feature of Android to customise your user interface, implement it and see how you can make use of listview in your application

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/listview-in-android

8 Signs that prove that you should switch your career to Big Data! - DataFlair

Are you still working with obsolete technologies? If yes then it is the time to switch your career in the latest technologies like Big Data and Data Science

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/switch-career-to-big-data

Java Comparator Interface - Enhance your Knowledge with its Rules & Methods - TechVidvan

Learn Comparator Interface in Java with its example. And explore its rules, methods with code examples & difference b/w Comparator Vs Comparable in Java.

Source: http://techvidvan.com/tutorials/java-comparator-interface

SVM Kernel Functions - 'Coz your SVM knowledge is incomplete without it - TechVidvan

Explore what is Kernel, how kernel functions play a very important role in SVM, what are its various types and how does Kernel Function works and tackles the problem.

Source: http://techvidvan.com/tutorials/svm-kernel-functions

Transfer Learning for Deep Learning with CNN - DataFlair

Transfer Learning-what is transfer learning in deep learning,ways to fine tune the models, pre-trained model and its use,how &when to use transfer learning,

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/transfer-learning

Top Machine Learning Use Cases - ML in Real life is no less than a dream! - DataFlair

practical machine learning use cases. Check how Google siri, cab companies, smart phones are using machine learning algorithms.

Source: http://data-flair.training/blogs/machine-learning-use-cases